Monday, September 27, 2010
Some of the outlined Descriptions of Mistakes make for an interesting read and it evokes a feeling of Deja Vu for those who have been through it.
Abandonment of planning under pressure
Projects make plans and then routinely abandon them when they run into schedule trouble. This would not be a problem if the plans were updated to account for the schedule difficulties. The problem arises when the plans are abandoned with no substitute, which tends to make the project slide into code-and-fix mode.
Adding people to a late project ( This may sound like a lift off of the famous Mythical Man Month but unfortunately people are yet to learn their lessons)
When a project is behind, adding people can take more productivity away from existing team members than it adds through new ones. Adding people to a late project has been likened to pouring gasoline on a fire.
Assuming global development has a negligible impact on total effort
Multi-site development increases communication and coordination effort between sites. The greater the differences among the sites in terms of time zones, company cultures, and national cultures, the more the total project effort will increase. Some companies naively assume that changing from single-site development to multi-site development will have a
negligible impact on effort, but studies have shown that international development will typically increase effort by about 40% compared to single-site development.
Code-like-hell programming
Some organizations think that fast, loose, all-as-you-go coding is a route to rapid development. If the developers are sufficiently motivated, they reason, they can overcome any obstacles. This is far from the truth. The entrepreneurial model is often a cover for the old code-and-fix paradigm combined with an ambitious schedule, and that combination almost never works.
Confusing estimates with targets
Some organizations set schedules based purely on the desirability of business targets without also creating analytically-derived cost or schedule estimates. While target setting is not bad in and of itself, some organizations actually refer to the target as the ‘estimate,’ which lends
it an unwarranted and misleading authenticity as a foundation for creating plans, schedules, and commitments.
Developer goldplating
Developers are fascinated by new technology and are sometimes anxious to try out new capabilities of their language or environment or to create their own implementation of a slick feature they saw in another product— whether or not it’s required in their product. The effort required to design, implement, test, document, and support features that are not
required adds cost and lengthens the schedule.
But hey !!! Who is rectifying them. This cycle goes on and on in the churn of a typical IT Services Business where it ultimate objective is Margin with a capital M. Add to it some Office Politics and you have a sure shot recipe for what can be termed as "Setting up for Failure".
The big question still remains - Who will bell the cat ?
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Debug = true
Its been ages since I wrote something useful. It was time to break the shackles and dust off my blog. So after a long hiatus I start over again. This one pertains to common problems observed in ASP.Net Application bottlenecks and issues.
Microsoft Developer Support or ("CSS" - Customer Support Services) is where you're sent within Microsoft when you've got problems. They see the most interesting bugs, thousands of issues and edge cases and collect piles of data. They report this data back to the ASP.NET team (and other teams) for product planning. With all those cases and all the projects, there's basically two top things that cause trouble in production ASP.NET web sites. Long story short, Debug Mode and Anti-Virus software.
The excerpts for this post has been taken from MSDN content and other insightful blog posts.
#1 Issue - Configuration
Seems the #1 issue in support for problems with ASP.NET 2.x and 3.x is configuration.
Symptoms | Notes |
| There are more debug=true cases than there should be. |
People continue to deploy debug versions of their sites to production. We can automatically transform the web.config and change it to a release version. More on that later.
Additionally, if you leave debug=true on individual pages, note that this will override the application level setting.
Here's why debug="true" is bad:
- Overrides request execution timeout making it effectively infinite
- Disables both page and JIT compiler optimizations
- In 1.1, leads to excessive memory usage by the CLR for debug information tracking
- In 1.1, turns off batch compilation of dynamic pages, leading to 1 assembly per page.
- For VB.NET code, leads to excessive usage of WeakReferences (used for edit and continue support).
An important note: Contrary to what is sometimes believed, setting retail="true" in a
#2 Issue - Problems with an External (non-ASP.NET) Root Cause
Sometimes when you're having trouble with an ASP.NET site, the problem turns out to not be ASP.NET itself. Here's the top three issues and their causes. This category are for cases that were concluded because of external reasons and are outside of the control of support to directly affect. The sub categories are 3rd party software, Anti-virus software, Hardware, Virus attacks, DOS attacks, etc.
If you've ever run a production website you know there's always that argument about whether to run anti-virus software in production. It's not like anyone's emailing viruses and saving them to production web servers, but you want to be careful. Sometimes IT or security insists on it. However, this means you'll have software that is not your website software trying to access files at the same time your site is trying to access them.
Here's the essence as a bulleted list
- Concurrency while under pressure: This causes problems in big software. Make sure your anti-virus software is configure appropriately and that you're aware of which processes are accessing which files, as well as how, why and when
- Profile your applications: .NET and the Web are not black boxes. You can see what's happening if you look. Know what bytes are going out the wire. Know who is accessing the disk. Measure twice, cut once, they say? I say measure a dozen times. You'd be surprised how often folks put an app in production and they've never once profiled it.
- Anti-Virus Software: It can't be emphasized enough that site owners should ensure they are running the latest AV engine and definitions from their chosen anti-malware vendor. They've seen people hitting hangs due to flakey AV drivers that are over two years out of date. Another point about AV software is that it is not just about old-school AV scanning of file access. Many products now do low level monitoring of port activity, script activity within processes and memory allocation activity and do not always do these things 100% correctly. Stay up to date!
- Know where you're calling out to: Also, connection to remote endpoints: calling web services, accessing file systems etc. All of this can slow you down if you're not paying attention. Is your DNS correct? Did you add your external hosts to a hosts file to remove DNS latency?
- processModel autoconfig=true: This is in machine.config and people mess with it. Don't assume that you know better than the defaults. Everyone wants to change the defaults, add threads, remove threads, change the way the pool works because they think their textboxes-over-data application is special. Chances are it's not, and you'd be surprised how often people will spend days on the phone with support and discover that the defaults were fine and they had changed them long ago and forgotten. Know what you've changed away from the defaults, and know why.
...and here's the table of details:
Issue | Product | Description | Symptoms | Notes |
Anti-virus software | All | Anti-virus software is installed onto Servers and causes all kinds of problems. |
| This consists of all AV software reported by our customers. All cases do not report the AV software that is being used so the manufacturer is not always known. |
3rd party Vendors | All | This is a category of cases where the failure was due to a 3rd party manufacturer. |
| The top culprits are 3rd party database systems, and 3rd party internet access management systems. |
Microsoft component | All | Microsoft software |
| Design issues that cause performance issues like sprocs, deadlocks, etc. Profile your applications and the database! (Pro tip: select * from authors doesn't scale.) Pair up DBAs and programmers and profile from end to end. |
Hopefully this post at least gets us started